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Woman frustrated while arguing with angry man

There’s a lot of advice out there on how to fight better with your partner. From, “Use I statements,” to “Don’t go to bed angry,” to “Pick your battles,” I’m sure you’ve heard it all. I want to teach you one strategy that you probably haven’t heard from very many places. Keep reading to transform […]

There’s a reason why so many books, movies, and songs are about love relationships. Relationships can satisfy a yearning for security, comfort, peace, protection, and support. How many of us have been explicitly taught how to cultivate this kind of relationship, though? Most of us tend to carry out what we have observed in childhood […]

Trauma has a way of adding complexity to marriage that many couples find incredibly challenging to navigate, especially since marriage even absent of traumatic impact is challenging enough on its own. Trauma, whether from past experiences, recent events, outside the relationship or within it, can significantly impact the quality of marriage for both partners. Let’s […]

Do you find yourself wondering if you and your spouse are compatible? Maybe you or your partner are considering separation or divorce and aren’t sure that you want to stay in the marriage. Many couples – most couples – face these thoughts and questions at one point or another in their relationship. This can result […]

Virtual therapy has risen in popularity since the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever, folks are utilizing telehealth services through secure video conferencing to find support for their mental health needs. Even though this is a convenient and accessible  way to get therapy, some folks might still have concerns about whether online therapy is as […]

Did you know that a 79-year-long study through Harvard showed that, more than anything else, close relationships are what keep people happy throughout their lives (Mineo, 2017)? As it turns out, healthy, close relationships are the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. However, with so many things competing for a person’s attention nowadays, it’s not surprising […]

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